

   Polar regions





Information for authors

Requirements for the materials provided by the authors for publication

1. Materials are provided on a fee basis when selling pictures or a package of pictures.
2. Materials are submitted by the authors in digital form, with detailed comments. An example of a description of materials.
Original: Negative color 35 mm film. Materials for publication: Image scanned from film, processed, screen quality, JPEG format, file 500 KB, size 1200x800 pixels, resolution 72 dpi. Accordingly, if the source images are presented from other primary sources, the files will be of different proportions.
3. The minimum size of images submitted for publication should not be less than 0,5 MB, correspond to screen quality, size 1200x800 pixels, with a frame aspect ratio of 2x3, resolution 72 dpi.
4. Images can be transmitted in person, recorded on BRD, DVD, FDD and CD sent by mail or sent via the Internet.
5. All images provided for the photo site require cropping, slight adjustment of the primary colors, hue, brightness.
6. The author of the project reserves the right to select and slightly process submitted photographs for publication.

Individual pictures or groups of pictures should be accompanied by the following information

1. Equipment used by the author of photography.
2. Date taken.
3. Geographic objects in the pictures, as detailed as possible.
4. View of the original photo storage medium, as detailed as possible.
5. Availability and processing features by means of a graphical editor.
6. The cost of realized digital copies of print quality from the original photographic materials.
7. Recommendations for the exposure and implementation of copyright images.
8. Contact addresses, phone numbers, personal data of the authors of the materials submitted.

"Geo Photo Bank" www.geophotobank.com  © Абдульмянов С.Н. abdulmyanov@gmail.com